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The Africa Mercy


Africa Mercy Ship

When I was little my mother put me to bed at 6:45pm on Sunday nights so she could watch 60 Minutes. I went to bed hearing the “tick, tick, tick, tick” and resented that show for years.

Now I am a faithful 60 Minutes viewer. The stories are fascinating to be sure. I like that they don’t follow the grain, their agenda is to educate and be, in my opinion, uplifting and honest. Real stories for real people. No I don’t work for them, I’m just a huge fan. And I now know why my mother felt the need to hunker down on Sunday nights to watch this program.

To the matter at hand…this segment was first aired this year on February 17th (my daughter’s birthday in fact, not that it matters to this post).

Watch this and then come back for the rest of my post…


Since I watched this story, I think about it all the time. This place, this ship of people, WHO PAY FOR THE PRIVILEGE to volunteer is the closest thing I can think of to complete humanity on Earth. There is no reason other than to serve that brings these people to this ship. As you saw, one doctor has been on board for 26 years. In fact, he met his wife on the ship and had two children.

I feel a tug, a pull, to this Africa Mercy Ship. I have felt this need to go to Africa for about 20 years now. When I saw this, I think this might be why. I can imagine myself greeting people, talking to them, providing comfort. I’m not a doctor or have any medical training, but I do know how to listen and talk to people. That is a service I could provide. That and working with children.

My surgery is coming in a little over two months. I don’t know a lot for sure…but I do know that I will be able to do more and possibly, someday, be able to volunteer on this ship. It is a  dream I’ve sent out to the universe in my “do with my what thou wilt” guidance prayer I say daily. If I’m supposed to go, I’ll go. The opportunity will present itself or another one will.

What I do know for sure is there would be no way for the opportunity to present itself if I wasn’t having the surgery. I couldn’t have physically done it. I’m not mobile enough and certainly couldn’t face the people weighing what I do. In fact, now that I think about it, it was after I saw this episode of 60 Minutes that the opportunities for surgery, spiritual expansion, and love presented themselves to me.

This is the power of miracles, positive thoughts and energy. Let me explain…

I have learned through struggle, experimentation, and just plain life, that the more positive thoughts and energy I put out into the world and to people, the better my life is. The more connected I am. This increases my ability for miracles to happen in my life.

This positive energy gets me into “The Vortex”. In this place I am completely myself. I exude a light that is contagious, I hope. Its not that problems don’t come to me, they do for everyone, but my attitude about them is different. I have to pay attention and be conscious of what I’m sending out there. For surely what I send out to the beyond is what will smack me right back in the face.

Spinning in this vortex of light, keeping busy, no expectations, completely open to possibilities…is when the Miracles begin to come. And they do. Oh they do. My getting into “The Vortex”, being completely who I am and loving is me producing a miracle. Then I receive them.

I like to think that this episode of 60 Minutes was part of my transformation from the depression I was in at the beginning of this year. It was a glimmer of hope and an example of humanity that I was looking for. Pure love with absolutely no agenda but to do good. Are those people on the ship not producing miracles every single day? No money exchanging hands. All for love.

That inspiration was part of my spur forward and 4 little months later my life is so different…and wonderful. If I don’t get the privilege of volunteering on the Africa Mercy Ship someday, I’m sure another opportunity will come to me with ease, as miracles do.

I hope this story of Africa Mercy Ships inspires you in some way. Even if simply an example of true humanitarianism that is happening for thousands of people who need miracles. Their gratefulness is a miracle too. Follow the link below to their web-site in case you are to learn more. They’ve had more ships than just the Africa Mercy in the past as well.

Check it out:


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